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What others have said about my work.



MBA Internship Report

SBCS Business Plan

Michel Cloutier Marketing Competition

SBCS Promotion

The E-Commerce Project, was complete and well planned. It met or exceeded the project's requirements at every stage. The project demonstrates a complete understanding of every phase of e-commerce from client tracking, merchandise offering and order processing. The partial busines plan reflects the necessary ingredients of online retailing. The Vision Statement provides a realistic path for this model and the details in the Industry Analysis section were accurate and convincing. Mitch completed all assignments with enthusiasm and has gained a full understanding of the e-commerce model.

Eric Dymond
Ryerson Polytechnic University


The nature of the virtual store initiative is such that only a collaborative effort would ensure success. A significant number of people were and continue to support education sales e-commerce initiatives. It is Mitch's appreciation for the contributory roles of others that has enabled education sales to role out an effective tool to its reseller base.


There is no blueprint for the e-commerce management position. In many respects the responsibilities of the position grew as the e-commerce project developed. That as a given, it is not unreasonable to state that both the Merisel Virtual Store and e-commmerce management position reflect Mitch's insights and initiative.

Customer Focus:

Mitch has demonstrated the ability to assess customer needs quickly and accurately. He is able to use this understanding to affect positive change and further his goals to Merisel's advantage. His talents and manner are highly regarded within the education marketplace.


Much of the work in developing the e-commerce role and the virtual store strategy was breaking new ground. With no precedents to act as guide Mitch has worked diligently with departments, Merisel staff and third party organizations - in some cases cajoling in others persuading - to solicit support or affect change.

Rob Glas
Merisel Canada

As a senior staff member, Michel contributed greatly in determining our store's direction. His technical expertise was valuable not only in selecting the product lines we carried, but in identifying trends in the industry and acquiring tools that would allow us to better meet our customer needs. His strong retail background, his passion for technology and the relationships he developed with staff and customers alike made Michel a valuable asset to our store.

Michele Raymond

I have read Michel Fortier's internship report "International Trade and Its Relevance for Small and Medium-Sized Firms". The strengths of the report are as follows:

  1. It has a logical structure.
  2. Excellent documentation and references.
  3. Covers the more critical issues (in an objective way) the reasons why small and medium-sized businesses should get involved in international trade.
  4. The report gives a good overview in the abstract.
  5. It has good balance between the three sections (1) overview of international trade, (2) the relevance for Small and medium-sized firms to internationalize, (3) the application of internationalization for the typical small business.
  6. The report is practical (down to earth).
  7. The "spider web" and "no budget approach" of LWAB are quite interesting and revealing!
  8. Good appendices.
  9. When condensed, it would make an interesting article for a professional magazine.
Pierre G. Bergeron
University of Ottawa

Just a note to thank you for the reporting requirements for the USBC program and to congratulate your summer Manager Mitch Fortier on an excellent business plan. It is by far the most comprehensive and detailed plan I have received.

Lynne Allen
Ministry of Industry, Trade and Technology

Team Victory, International Marketing Plan for Tilcon Software

Félicitations pour la brilliante victoire que vous avez remportée lors de la compétition de marketing Michel Cloutier qui s'est tenue récemment. Le personnel de la Faculté se joint à moi pour vous dire combien nous sommes fiers de vous.

David Zussman
Université d'Ottawa

I first met Michel in January of 1991 as a consultant to small business during the Winter and Summer of that year. Michel got along very well with other consultants in the office and always met his deadlines for his clients. His consulting reports were done in a very proficient manner as he continually strived for excellence in all his tasks. His business recommendations were based on sound judgement and demonstrated superior ability to analyze problems and to recommend logical solutions to small business entrepreneurs. He was very helpful and dedicated to his work.

As a result of his superior accomplishments and leadership qualities, he was promoted to the position of manager of the office in September of 1991. Michel was responsible for the supervision of the office and the work of four consultants. I must say that I was extremely pleased with his performance and I have asked him to continue in this same capacity during the Summer of 1992. Michel displayed initiative, and his motivation and commitment to carry out his tasks are such that he required little supervision.

Michel is a personable, energetic, responsible and outgoing individual, and gets along very well with others. Besides his supervisory role, that is to assign work and to review the recommendations made by the consultants to their clients, he prepared a comprehensive appraisal system to help gauge the performance of the consultants working in the small business office.

Pierre G. Bergeron
University of Ottawa

This page was last updated on Saturday, September 21st, 2002.